Monitoring using Cloud Service Observability
Cloud Service Observability is an integrated monitoring and alerting solution in Cloud Service. It's designed to monitor the performance of the Postgres clusters. It actively monitors various metrics of the Postgres clusters and triggers an alert as the defined thresholds are exceeded. This solution smoothly integrates into the Cloud Service ecosystem, using the vast amount of metric data that's gathered from Postgres clusters and their underlying infrastructure across all the regions.
Cloud Service Observability renders insightful charts that empower you to actively monitor each metric's behavior. It provides a streamlined path for you to take prompt and informed actions based on the generated alerts. This cohesive monitoring and alert system ensures comprehensive oversight and prompt responses in the Cloud Service environment.
When you log in, Cloud Service Observability monitoring widgets are displayed on the overview page on the project summary page. These widgets are available only for the deployed Postgres clusters and aren't available for the clusters in the provisioning process. They provide high-level, key information on:
- Memory
- Storage usage percentages
- Transactions per second
- Database size
To see more in-depth metrics specific to the Postgres cluster, select any widget on the overview page. Selecting the widget opens the Monitoring and Logging tab of the cluster page.
To view the Monitoring and Logging tab from the Console:
- In the left navigation of Console, go to Clusters.
- Select any ready cluster.
- On the cluster detail page, select the Monitoring and Logging tab.
The Monitoring and Logging tab displays the detailed monitoring metrics at a user-specified level of aggregation in the form of charts:
Levels of aggregation
To view the monitoring metrics at different levels, select any of these levels:
Cluster — This is the default level. It displays the aggregated metrics for the selected cluster to view a bigger picture of the system status.
Node — Select the node from the list at the top to display metrics for each node that composes a cluster. You can select one or more nodes using the button next to the node level. Selecting multiple nodes displays the metrics for each selected node on the chart using a different color for each node. Also, it displays whether a node is primary or replica on the charts.
Single-value charts
These charts display a specific single value based on the last value in the selected time interval. For example, if you choose Last N, the chart displays the current value. For the specific time interval, it displays the value at the end of that time interval. These charts display key metrics in text, gauges, or pie and donut form. They provide a concise snapshot of information such as:
- Memory (gauge chart) — The percentage of memory used by the Postgres cluster in the hosting node.
- CPU (gauge chart) — The percentage of CPU used by the Postgres cluster in the hosting node.
- Storage (gauge chart) — The percentage of the storage volume used by the Postgres cluster in the hosting node.
- Disk IOPS (gauge chart) — The disk I/O operations ratio of the total disk capacity per second for the Postgres cluster.
Historical charts
By default, these charts displays the historical data of the last 15 minutes. To view the historical data of a particular time range, customize the time range using a time-range picker. These charts display key metrics in single-line or multi-line form. They provide a concise snapshot of the information such as:
Memory (line chart) — The historical trend of memory usage percentage over a time period.
CPU (line chart) — The historical trend of CPU usage percentage over a time period.
Network activity (line chart) — The historical data transfer to and from the network card per second, over a time period.
Disk IOPS (line chart)